#8Sunday Weekend Writing Warriors Excerpt #34

The Weekend Writing Warriors is an awesome site that allows writers to share their 8 to 10 sentence excerpts, published or unpublished, to the blogosphere. If you’d like to join or would like to read wonderful talent, please visit the WeWriWa website on Sunday, 2/2: http://wewriwa.blogspot.com.

This week I’ll be sharing my urban legends WIP. A serial killer murders college students, one by one, based off famous urban legends.

Here’s my excerpt:

[Sweeney Todd] sighed and closed the door; he approached the bed then plopped down; he texted: Room 24.

I’ll be there shortly was the reply.

He kicked off his boots and made himself comfortable, looking up at the ceiling, lying down, his hands behind his head.

It didn’t take long for Savannah to come; she had knocked so soft that he had hardly noticed it; he opened the door and greeted her with a smile.

She grinned back, then caressed his cheek. “Hello.”


He stepped back, so Savannah could enter the room; when she walked past him, he felt her butt in her skin tight dress; he didn’t even know why she carried herself that way; it’s not like she was an escort or prostitute. He knew her for fuck’s sake. She could wear baggy sweats, and he would still think she was beautiful.

“Did anyone follow you?” he asked.

***Sorry if I didn’t comment on someone’s post last week. For some reason, Blogger wasn’t letting me respond to any blogs. I had tried on my iPhone and computer. It would let me write something but it wouldn’t let me hit submit.

Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby

#8Sunday Weekend Writing Warriors Excerpt #33


The Weekend Writing Warriors is an awesome site that allows writers to share their 8 to 10 sentence excerpts, published or unpublished, to the blogosphere. If you’d like to join or would like to read wonderful talent, please visit the WeWriWa website on Sunday, 1/26: http://wewriwa.com.

This week I’ll be sharing my urban legends WIP. A serial killer murders college students, one by one, based off famous urban legends. Here’s what I shared last week.

My excerpt:

…[Sweeney Todd] stepped into the elevator. Men wearing business suits and a few casual couples were already standing in it. How did this run-down hotel get any business? He pretended to text on his iPhone, not bringing attention to himself.

With no luggage or even an overnight bag, he strolled down the hallway, the lights flickering on and off, until he reached room twenty-four. He didn’t plan on spending the night. Why stay in a roach motel when he had a cozy bed he could sleep in?

Letting himself in with the card key, he switched on the lights. His eyes scanned the room. A king sized bed with dirty linens; a dusty dresser with a busted television; a broken remote; a blinking alarm clock by the bed; a carpet covered with black spots.

Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby

Yea Me! I’m Now a Ginger Nuts of Horror Reviewer #GNOH


One day last week I was looking through my Twitter feed and came across a retweet from an author I follow–Ginger Nuts of Horror was looking for reviewers. I couldn’t pass up on the opportunity, so I sent an email with samples of my book reviews. Thankfully, Jim and Kim accepted me to their GNOH team with a warm welcome 🙂

I’m so excited! I love horror books (survival and psychological are my favorite), and I’m always looking for chances to link up with like-minded people. The old me would’ve been too shy to apply for the position but not anymore. I’m looking forward to the future. Wish me luck.

Since I’m busy with my full-time job, online comic courses, writing my stories, and creating my art projects, I think I’ll stick with only looking for books to review on Ginger Nuts of Horror and NetGalley. Of course, I’ll also help my author buddies.

Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby


#8Sunday Weekend Writing Warriors Excerpt #32


I’m back…at least for this week! The Weekend Writing Warriors is an awesome site that allows writers to share their 8 to 10 sentence excerpts, published or unpublished, to the blogosphere. If you’d like to join or would like to read wonderful talent, please visit the WeWriWa website on Sunday, 1/19: http://wewriwa.com.

This week I’ll be sharing my urban legends WIP. A serial killer murders college students, one by one, based off famous urban legends.

Here’s my excerpt:

He stood at the hotel front desk in sunglasses, a navy blazer, and combat boots, steadying his hands by his sides. He didn’t want to cause suspicions.

The shady looking desk clerk with shifty eyes handed him back his driver’s license and credit card. “Sweeney Todd, please enjoy  your stay here. Starting at six a.m., you can eat our complimentary breakfast in the lobby.”

He smiled and put his cards back into his plaid wallet. “Thank you.”

He was a town over from the loud and annoying college town. Popluck didn’t seem to suffer from tourists. Less people, less chance of being spotted.


Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby

Getting Excited! My Urban Legends Novella Is Moving Along!


Image Copyright Underground Area

Last week, I finally finished revising my urban legends novella. I’ve been working on it for over a year. I’m a fast writer but slow editor. I thankfully got three beta-readers to agree to look over my story. I’m proud of myself because I reached over 47,000 words. Usually my books are in the 30,000-35,000 range. I don’t quite know if it’ll be horror or suspense, so I’m getting my beta-readers’ opinions to see if the story is scary enough as is. A serial killer is murdering college students, one by one, with urban legends.

After I get their feedback, then I’ll revise again. I have a beta-reader lined up for my later draft. After I get her opinion, I’ll revise again then look for an editor. Hopefully, someone will be available when the time comes. I loved Monica Shaughnessy as my editor (she helped me with Twisted Obsession), but the few times I’ve tried reaching out, I couldn’t get a hold of her. I also enjoyed working with Chrys Fey (she helped me with Six Plus One and Perfect Little Murder). Keep your fingers crossed for me; I want to publish my urban legends novella soon!

Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby

January 2020 Goals

HAPPY 2020!!! Can’t believe I graduated high school 20 years ago…


Image Copyright by Campus DIY

Instead of coming up with New Year’s resolutions, I thought it’d be fun to think of monthly goals. This will help me focus more. Plus, things change. I don’t want to be stuck with a goal that no longer pertains to my interest just because I envisioned it happening back in January.

My January Goals:

  1. Blog at least once a week.
  2. Finish revising my urban legends novella.
  3. Send my urban legends story to a critique partner or send to beta-readers.
  4. Post at least one YouTube video.
  5. Draw in my comic diary every other day.
  6. Sketch everyday for the January drawing challenge.

Six goals are a start. Wish me luck. For anyone with New Year’s resolutions or goals, what are they?

Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby