Comic Diary of a Lightworker Available on #Kickstarter #indiecomics

Today is the day!!! My zine, Comic Diary of a Lightworker, is available on Kickstarter. Interested in backing?


Do you know what a Lightworker is?

This 16-page zine shares the journey of me figuring out I was a lightworker in 2020.

Here’s the first 5 pages:


Why Kickstarter?

This is a pre-order opportunity rather than an all-or-nothing plea for funding. The books will be printed regardless of this campaign’s success, but I’m using this campaign as an opportunity to properly reward my Comic Diary of a Lightworker backers and give them some great extras that won’t be available elsewhere.

I’ll have the chance to reward PDF version, physical copy, art commissions, original 8.5×11 comic pages.

Shipping costs are charged when you pledge–there will be no question mark over what it will cost and no surprise additional charge will hit you later. With Kickstarter, if my monetary goal is met by the end of 20 days, then your card will be charged. If not, then your card won’t be charged.

Any support helps. If you don’t want to spend any money, please consider sharing my Kickstarter page with anyone interested in spiritual journeys, angel numbers, comic diaries, and/or zines.


Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby

Unscripted 1 and 2 Are Available on #Kickstarter #indiecomics

Today is the day!!! My comics Unscripted #1 and #2 are available on Kickstarter. Interested in backing?

Like promised, here’s a preview 🙂


The Irish pop group, Me Cailinis, is on promotional tours for their upcoming concert. A crazy PR stunt leaves Felix’s bandmates hurt, especially her girlfriend. Can she make it right?

Here’s the first 5 pages:


A night out in New York City leads to blackmail, an altercation, love confession, and a broken heart. Can anything go right for Felix?

Here’s the first 5 pages:


Why Kickstarter?

This is a pre-order opportunity rather than an all-or-nothing plea for funding. The books will be printed (in fact, Unscripted #1 already is!) regardless of this campaign’s success, but I’m using this campaign as an opportunity to properly reward my Unscripted backers and give them some great extras that won’t be available elsewhere.

I’ll have the chance to reward variant covers, art prints, original 11×17 comic pages, art commissions, behind-the-scenes PDF.

potential rewards at different tiers

Shipping costs are charged when you pledge–there will be no question mark over what it will cost and no surprise additional charge will hit you later. With Kickstarter, if my monetary goal is met by the end of 30 days, then your card will be charged. If not, then your card won’t be charged.

Any support helps. If you don’t want to spend any money, please consider sharing my Kickstarter campaign page with anyone interested in slice-of-life comics. Or anyone who is entertained by love triangles, drama, POC characters, LGBT friendly, a main character who is definitely not a Mary Sue.


Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby

I’ve Been Writing…Just Not What You Think


Before getting covid on Christmas Eve, I was a busy bee. Nonstop, I was drawing character sketches for my Unscripted graphic novel. In fact, I even drew a 24-page comic in October as a comic’s challenge! Every day, I was working on my script for Unscripted. I don’t show any of that on this blog since it’s for my horror writing, but if you want to check out my progress, I share on my Instagram page and I have a YouTube channel.

After covid, I’m still a busy bee, writing my Unscripted graphic novel script and drawing.

Plus, I created a free newsletter called Inspire. Awaken. In Awe. It shares my spiritual journey. I’m getting out of feeling in a rut by paying attention to the angel numbers coming my way. I’ve been more productive in the past couple of months than what I’ve done in the past year or two. If you’d like to check out my spiritual newsletter, I’d really appreciate it.

This Thursday, I’ll be starting a short story challenge with my writing buddy. I’m excited to get back into the groove of writing fiction again. Anything’s possible. I’m holding on to that 🙂

I LOVE BEING FREE. I can do whatever I want and it feels wonderful!

Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby

Urban Legends Cover Reveal!!! #amwritinghorror


Urban Legends - High Resolution

I really want to thank my beta-readers, Tomeka and Penny, for reading my earlier draft to help me see if Urban Legends was scary enough. I also want to think the Weekend Writing Warriors and my other blogging friends who took the time to support my writing. Also, thank you Chrys Fey, my editor. Her developmental notes really helped me add more mystery to my horror novel.

I hope you guys are excited for Urban Legends because it’s coming soon!

Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby

Thanks Horror Writers Association For Giving Me A Shout-Out!!!


image copyrighted by Horror Writers Association website

I’m one of those annoying people that celebrate their birthday for the whole month. Hey, at least I’m self-aware lol. When Linda D. Addison approached me to be featured in the Horror Writers Association for The Seers’ Table July 2020 edition, I jumped at the opportunity! A good start to my birthday 🙂

I want to thank Linda D. Addison, and I also give a big thank you to Ed Hoornaert. Please check out the link to see me and other talented authors: The Seers’ Table July 2020.

Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby

I’m Happy To Announce I Just Published My #Horror Two Book BoxSet #newrelease #indieauthor

I’m so excited! This month I published One By One and Six Plus One into a horror two book boxset on Amazon and other book sites. If you’re looking for ebooks to read while being stuck at home, consider my boxset. And if you’ve already purchased these ebooks and enjoyed them, then please consider gifting to someone 🙂


One By One (book one): Alone in the woods, thirty miles from civilization with no cell phone reception, the weekend turns into a deadly game when a killer hunts Rae and her friends. They struggle to stay alive and discover the truth. Is someone stalking them, or is there a killer among the group?

Six Plus One (book two): Alta and her group of friends leave Voy on a road trip to Green Bank, West Virginia. They’re filming footage for their alien-centric web series. What should be a get-in and get-out situation for the weekend turns into a deadly nightmare…

Buy this horror boxset now and enjoy the ride of two survival horror tales full of betrayal and mistrust.


Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby

Yea Me! I’m Now a Ginger Nuts of Horror Reviewer #GNOH


One day last week I was looking through my Twitter feed and came across a retweet from an author I follow–Ginger Nuts of Horror was looking for reviewers. I couldn’t pass up on the opportunity, so I sent an email with samples of my book reviews. Thankfully, Jim and Kim accepted me to their GNOH team with a warm welcome 🙂

I’m so excited! I love horror books (survival and psychological are my favorite), and I’m always looking for chances to link up with like-minded people. The old me would’ve been too shy to apply for the position but not anymore. I’m looking forward to the future. Wish me luck.

Since I’m busy with my full-time job, online comic courses, writing my stories, and creating my art projects, I think I’ll stick with only looking for books to review on Ginger Nuts of Horror and NetGalley. Of course, I’ll also help my author buddies.

Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby


Don’t Open the Door Is Here!!!

I’m happy to announce Don’t Open the Door: A Horror Anthology is available on Amazon. My two shorts Man Cave and Nico’s Blood (an updated version) are in the book. I was very excited when our editor Cory Tomo accepted my work. The publishing industry can be full of rejection, so it’s always nice to hear a ‘yes.’ 🙂


A reality TV housewife finds that truth is often more disturbing than fiction. A college field trip devolves into something stomach-turning. A lonely boy finds something strange in the woods near his house.

These and even more wait for you behind the door. Step inside and discover ten of your new favorite authors of the weird and terrifying, serving you chilling stories that reveal how everything familiar and safe can hide something sinister just beneath the surface. Each of these stories will make you look twice at the places and things you take for granted every day.

If you want to feel safe, if you want to sleep soundly in your own bed tonight, then you only need to do one thing.

Don’t open the door.

The authors of Don’t Open the Door wish to help make positive change in the world, so the profits from every copy of this book will be donated to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, in the hopes that it will help at least one person who is struggling.


***If you check out the horror anthology, let me know what you think. Disclaimer: the editor is working on a print copy, and there’s some formatting issues in the ebook (weird spacing between words in some stories) that should be fixed soon

Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby

Perfect Little Murder is here!

I’m happy to announce book #6 is available! What would you do if someone killed your brother? Cry? Get revenge? Check out my new suspense to see what Loren does.


Franco was my brother, my best friend, my protector. He never missed any of my ballet practices.

Until Kina…killed him. I don’t care how many times she denies it. I know she killed him. And for that, she’ll have to pay.


***If anyone wants a free copy so they can write an honest review, please email me: author.yawatta.hosby(AT)aol(DOT)com. I can gift the book at any book site or give a PDF, ePub, or Mobi file.

Right now, Perfect Little Murder is only available as an ebook. Once my proof copy arrives, I’ll be able to publish the paperback too 🙂

Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby