Don’t Miss the Last Day of My #Kickstarter Campaign!

My Comic Diary of a Lightworker Kickstarter campaign was fully funded on day 4! Thanks to everyone who supported me and my comic 🙂

We also were able to unlock the 1st stretch goal. With 2 days left, we’re only $164 away from unlocking the 2nd stretch goal.

For anyone interested in spiritual journeys, angel numbers, comic diaries, and/or zines, it’s not too late to get your copy of Comic Diary of a Lightworker.

Here’s the tiers:

$3–Comic Diary of a Lightworker Digital

$5–Comic Diary of a Lightworker Physical (local or shipped)

$30–Art Pack (local or shipped)

$40–Comic Collector (local or shipped)

Here’s the stretch goals:

If you don’t want my comic zine but would like to support me another way, please consider sharing this link to your friends, family, social media of whoever enjoys reading zines or comic diaries.

Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby

Book Review: Dog Meat by Priscilla Bettis

Kalb Ward slaughters dogs for the Colony, a closed, dystopian society where resources are tight, free speech is nonexistent, and those in power have eyes and ears everywhere. Ward desperately wants to quit his grisly job, but he knows he’ll be arrested, or worse, if he tries.

In the Colony, a citizen’s future is determined by a placement exam. Score high, and you’re set for life. Score low, and you end up living a nightmare–like Ward.

Li Ling, the love of Ward’s youth, scored high, and she’s a local celebrity now, far out of his reach. Meanwhile, his neighbor’s son is making a series of disastrous decisions as his own exam rapidly approaches.

Can Ward bridge the social divide and win back Li Ling? Can he help the neighbor’s son avoid a future as grim as his own? Can he escape the Colony’s oppressive rule and, if he’s very lucky, bring down the whole horrific system in the process?

You know what they say: Every dog has his day.

And Ward’s day is coming.

I loved this dystopian book. Fay owned a Yulin Dish restaurant. She was Ward’s boss, who forced him to slaughter dogs for their meat. My favorite quotes: 1) “If the dogs did ever turn on him, it’d be a better death than theirs.” 2) “I wouldn’t want to go with me either,” Ward said.'”

The drama was very enticing to me. I felt awful for Ward. He tried to do the right thing and get out but was met with roadblocks every step of the way. The author did an amazing job showing all the tension between characters and developing the relationships between everyone. It was a great twist of who the neighbor’s son was. Wasn’t expecting that at all! I shed a tear at the scene where Ward met the local celebrity in the restaurant with the entourage. I could feel his brokenness, emptiness, and hopelessness. The ending was depressing (in a good way).

The author did a wonderful job with all the setting details. I could feel the dread and gloomy atmosphere in that dystopian society.

I RECOMMEND this book to read.

Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby

Comic Diary of a Lightworker Available on #Kickstarter #indiecomics

Today is the day!!! My zine, Comic Diary of a Lightworker, is available on Kickstarter. Interested in backing?


Do you know what a Lightworker is?

This 16-page zine shares the journey of me figuring out I was a lightworker in 2020.

Here’s the first 5 pages:


Why Kickstarter?

This is a pre-order opportunity rather than an all-or-nothing plea for funding. The books will be printed regardless of this campaign’s success, but I’m using this campaign as an opportunity to properly reward my Comic Diary of a Lightworker backers and give them some great extras that won’t be available elsewhere.

I’ll have the chance to reward PDF version, physical copy, art commissions, original 8.5×11 comic pages.

Shipping costs are charged when you pledge–there will be no question mark over what it will cost and no surprise additional charge will hit you later. With Kickstarter, if my monetary goal is met by the end of 20 days, then your card will be charged. If not, then your card won’t be charged.

Any support helps. If you don’t want to spend any money, please consider sharing my Kickstarter page with anyone interested in spiritual journeys, angel numbers, comic diaries, and/or zines.


Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby

Check Out My List of the Best Books To Be Terrorized By Things That Go Bump In the Night!!!

Hola! Happy 2023!!!

Since semi-retiring from writing novellas, I haven’t really had any instances of discussing horror books. I was pleasantly surprised when the founder of Shepherd reached out to me. It was fun building this list of the “Best Books To Be Terrorized By Things That Go Bump In the Night.”

Click on the link to check out the list with my reasoning for each book: The best books to be terrorized by things that go bump in the night.

Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby