Book Review: All Roads Lead To Winter By Mark Fuller Dillon

***I received a free copy in exchange for a book review***

The aliens are here, and now our lives are different: no wars, no hunger, no exploitation. For political prisoner Thomas Bridge, there can be a strange new love; for the alien delegate, Avdryana, there can be companionship in a world that she finds crowded and foreign. But even with hope for the future, can there be an escape from the stifling ideas and expectations of the past? For adults only.

f32a5c1e51ae4f30cebf408978428fe77506178a-thumbI liked this 8 chapter book. My favorite line: He stood in the fading light and watched the calculated sway of her hips, the candidly seductive ease of her movements. Avdryana: his judge, his jury, his jailer.

Thomas Bridge missed his dead wife so visited her gravesite. It’s revealed that he can talk to animal-like people/aliens. At first, I was a little confused because he was attracted to Avdryana–so at first, I thought he was her species too, but it turned out he’s only human.

  • The aliens that are a part of Dusk and Dawn took over earth. I liked Thomas and Avdryana’s conversations; the story was dialogue heavy, which I’m a huge fan.

It was a cool concept that the author combines local scenery of Quebec with bizarre events during his life and nightmares. Was this story based off a nightmare or a life experience? It’s fun to think of all the possibilities. I rooted for them to work it out and begin a relationship, and I enjoyed the drama aspects.

I RECOMMEND this book to read.

For more information on the author or book:

  • email– markfullerdillon(AT)gmail(DOT)com
  • Website

Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby

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